Path Of Growth

Path Of Growth

Everyone has some prefernces for reality, for what matters the most

    Description: Soul Guardian. Allows imagination and fantasy to guide the path:,'I can become everything, but never have a hold of it'. The Dreamer path is an invitation towards the magic of poetry, metaphor, art, and daydreaming. People in this path feels deeply and believes dream brings deeper truths.
    Shadow: When we polarise into it we may find ourselves forgeting the concrete world over fantasy. Delirium, losing the connection with the other four, losing the ground and structures.
    Traditions: Jungian analysis, Psychoanalysis.
    Authors: Jung, Hillman
    Description: Spirit Guardian. Concepts and categories are the path, 'I can understand everything but never feel close to it'. The Sage path invite us to analyse things in their components and to create more encompasing models that help us clarify our minds and the big problems of existence.
    Shadow: When we polarise into it we may become obsessed with concepts and with the need to categorise every inch of human experience, clauding our mind to the beauty of life. Obsession, losing the magic and ground, the projects takes all meaning.
    Traditions: Integral approach, Integrative approaches.
    Authors: Wilber, Kegan
    Description: Life Guardian. Connecting with even the smallest thing, 'I can care for everything, but never for myself'. The Carer path is an invitation towards closeness to otherness, by an appreciation of life and the movements of nature.
    Shadow: When we polarise into it we may become too close to care for others forgeting to care for ouselves, we become submisive. Submission, caring but forgetting themselves.
    Traditions: Person Centred, Focusing, Relational Psychoanalisis.
    Authors: Rogers, Orange.
    Description: Knowledge Guardian.Looking for knowledge and new things to conquer, new technology, new techniques, 'I can conquer everything, but feel never satisfied'. The Explorer path is an invitation to keep our curiosity for novelty, for new tecniques and solutions, and to not stop looking for something better.
    Shadow: When we polarise into it we may become extremely passionate of our serch and we may lose the natural balance, risking manic defenses.
    Traditions: Evidence Based, Cognitive Behavioural.
    Authors: Skinner, Beck, Elis,Rogers, Wilber, Opazo.